Why is authentic leadership important to talk about during Pride? Authentic leadership requires vulnerability and contributes to an environment of psychological safety which is central to an inclusive workplace culture. If as leaders, we demonstrate by example that it is accepted and encouraged to bring our full selves to work, then the people we work with may feel empowered to do the same. For organizations to go beyond rainbow washing with colorful logos during June they need to understand how their workplace culture, policies and practices affect the working environment for members of the LGBTQ+ community and other racial and ethnic groups who have been left out or left behind in the workplace. Leaders who are committed to authentic leadership will be ready to raise issues and have tough conversations to advance a more just culture. I have been active in advocating for DEI and as a practitioner for many years now. From joining the Diversity Council more than 20 years ago to holding a role as a DEI manager at a global manufacturing company to recently being part of the inaugural Inclusive Classroom faculty cohort at the Opus College of Business, being an ally and advocate is part of my personal authentic leadership journey.
Jill Hauwiller